Thursday, December 25, 2008

collage student out of school

According to foreign media reports, MMOs launch of the game to a large extent changed the face of the current on-line games, and Blizzard's launch of the online classic "World of Warcraft" can be said in all sectors of society have been great Success, but according to the Federal Communications Commission FCC said, MMOs in particular of the game "World of Warcraft," the U.S. college drop-out rate of increase has been quite a lot. But the FCC did not provide convincing evidence is, I believe the FCC issued by the remarks caused a certain game in particular, Blizzard's protest. And in the long run, FCC's conclusion that the United States is bound to the education sector, the game between players of the game, as well as an interesting game.
this is the situation of US, but in other developing countries, it is not the same, the power leveling of world of warcraft

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Power Leveling in campus, a new career

Xinhua Hohhot, Oct. 10 Xinhua (He Caifeng) With the development of new kinds of things one after another in recent days that reporters, "power leveling " has become a new career, even inadvertently also need to play games It was instead. According to the industry engaged in a Mr. Liu said, as its name implies, "power leveling" refers to the game in place of other people's accounts to upgrade from access to a certain degree of compensation. For this work, now employ a large number of people, they are also a variety of circumstances, some employers have the money, but because of busy work, no time to attend the game, so on behalf of the people; some Employers are idle in a purely silly, but not the level of their own, do Qingren Lai demonstration at the same time also to learn from experience; there is the wish to show off, so capacity can not help but to ask when. When the "power leveling" There are a number of students, but also just graduated from college students, and is engaged in computer-related work of the people who love to play games, as well as amateur players, and so on, they often have to take some time to do this Things, which must be paid. For other people to play games can also make money, it sounds really is a good thing. This year has just graduated from the University Yang Xuguang told reporters: "In school I studied computers, a chance to see the students play the game so seriously that he is also too obsessed with a laugh that he can be when the students told me that he is to make money The play of the game, they also feel incredible. But with the passage of time, I walked into the 'circle', found that even money can play. I am in contact with these people, the majority have a fixed wage, income and money . They do not like boring and tired of the upgrade process, and so we are trained to a higher level when his shot. "Similarly, the work involved in the last six months of Wang Lei is still on to this life, he said:" The reason why when 'power leveling', because not always find suitable jobs. And make a living by the employer will generally be paid 600 yuan to 1,000 yuan price range, of course, the key is how you play. Although the full life can be, but For a long time sitting in front of the computer, mechanical control of the mouse and keyboard, eyes staring at a computer screen at every turn, is a very painful thing. Sometimes think that the work is too tired to earn more money also did not want to . So period of time I have also been busy looking for new jobs. " This reporter has learned that in order to meet people's needs, also appeared in Hohhot, "power leveling", in the streets of the ads, there is this kind of publicity. In this regard, Hohhot Saihan District Branch of Trade and Industry said, the company is now the case has not yet registered, so be cautious candidates.

Wuhan Company issued power leveling business licenses

Trade and Industry: to explore the official regulation of the industry; experts: It may be, the youth Internet addiction Computer organization and personnel to fight through the game to earn virtual currency, or power leveling , tools and so on, and then sell the network to make money, this pattern of power leveling has not been officially recognized. However, the Wuhan Trade and Industry Department recently issued a Music's business license to explore Music official regulation. "Goldsmith" for the first time the company received a license Show, the network's Dailian by a young man by the name of founder Li Yang. It is understood that after the boy was 80 in Central China Agricultural University, a relatively stable work, but usually on the Internet and online games is love, in the network, to fight through Li Yang Jin (in the game to earn virtual The gold coin), Lian Ji (Bang Bieren higher-level players), on-line equipment sales, compared with considerable revenue. Recently, he resigned the purchase of more than a dozen computers on the Internet to recruit more than a dozen online games like young people to help themselves to fight Kim, Lian Ji, to win equipment, according to the proportion of money into. "He asked before a license to do this, we are not allowed to trade, can do a license. As this is a new type of industry, we are not sure, ask after a sub-business units, has been a positive response, and he handled The individual business license. "Bridge Wang Zhong, deputy director of the Trade and Industry, the last the company known as the" Hanyang district of Wuhan Li Yang Network Technology Services. " Industrial and commercial sector also worries The network should not be in the end to the nuclear industry power leveling business license, industry and commerce departments have also been doubts. In the "Hanyang district of Wuhan Li Yang Network Technology Services" to define the scope of business, industrial and commercial sector is given by the "network of consulting, technology services" rather than "beating Kim, Dailian network." According to a person engaged in Music, is currently engaged in Wuhan Music conservative estimate of the number of no fewer than 3,000 people, a minimum income of 500 yuan, the high-general will be around 2,000 yuan. Dailian engage in online staff, aged 18-25 years old in general, working hours, more than 12 hours or more. Dailian network in general or by private owners of Internet cafes, young people looking for a few day and night "to play the game." Due to the lack of industry regulation, industry self-regulation can only rely on "moral." "There are trading on the need to regulate, we issued the license to explore in the supervision of the industry, such as restrictions on working hours and so on, we are licensing the company is required." Wang said. Experts: fear, the youth Internet addiction Dailian to the network license, the China Internet addiction in the first ring - Central China Normal University Professor Professor Tao Hongkai made it clear that: a power leveling license equal to encourage children to play online games, Internet addiction, the youth, do not agree to such a company Issuance of licenses. "In a game, Tulong Dao can be sold to more than 10,000 in the city of Haikou, Hainan, it was also this virtual products on the pawn shop, which are to guide the children to play more games." TAO Hong-open that Government departments of the game and the game does not regulate the way, "on the side of the game to make money on the side" of the operation of the company, will enhance young people's Internet Addiction.

Lead: analysis of the foreign media published articles that with the rise of the network, to make money online games industry in developing countries

Lead: analysis of the foreign media published articles that with the rise of the network, Lead: analysis of the foreign media published articles that with the rise of the network, to make money online games industry in developing countries, particularly in China are booming, China currently accounts for the global market size of 80%. The following is a summary of the contents: The University of Manchester, a study shows that in developing countries, about 500,000 people to the players through the sale of virtual goods to make money online games, known as the "make money online," the industry is developing rapidly. The Chinese market accounted for 80% of the industry, employed about 400,000 full-time player, the average monthly income of 145 U.S. dollars. Despite the game's great efforts to crack down on virtual goods transactions, but the industry is still in the ascendant. Large emerging industries The research report written by the University of Manchester, Professor Richard Ada (Richard Heeks) that in many developing countries, to make money online has become an important economic industry. He wrote, "I was first aware of the network is able to make money from my own playing when the game started, but I think it is a cottage-style economic model. In a sense, this Kind of judge was correct. But now it is no longer a few months piecemeal 'family workshops', but tens of thousands of dollars. " The reality is that many of the online virtual money is very scarce, so many amateur players from full-time players, including the seller to purchase the virtual currency in order for better equipment, weapons and so on. In addition, the number of full-time player also offers "on behalf of the upgrade to play" service, that is, paid for amateur players to quickly upgrade. Ada believes that to make money online games industry, the specific size of the data difficult to obtain. However, he hinted in his article, in 2008, the industry employed about 400,000 people, per capita income of 145 U.S. dollars, the global market size of about 500,000,000 U.S. dollars. Ada, but at the same time pointed out that it is difficult to assess the scale of the industry, so its size may be double that estimate. Most of the activities of the network are online and make money, save the seller sets a virtual currency, such as items for sale, buyers to purchase virtual currency, or sharing account, and all of these online companies are prohibited. If there is because the players engaged in these activities was found, his account of the game may be closed and a ban on playing it online. Ada in the report pointed out that to make money online games industry with the size of India's outsourcing industry comparable. In his article, said, "India's outsourcing industry in 2004 employed approximately 400,000 people, may now be close to 900,000 people, without taking into account the factors of profit under the conditions of these two industries in the number of employees in some aspects of a Together. ". At the same time, he thought, with the people on the network work and leisure time is getting longer and longer, known as a "virtual offshore services" (virtual offshoring) model will become more and more popular, and this is to make money online Service model as a prototype. Make money online: cash tool Steven Davis (Steven Davis) is a network security company Secure Play's Chief Executive Officer, he thought to make money online is accompanied by the network have begun, and with the network's popular and growing rapidly. He also pointed out that the online trading of virtual real solution, the actual demand. He said that "rich people do not have time to play, play time people do not have the money, so the two must find a solution." In the world of online games, virtual goods and currency transactions mainly through the network of hundreds of thousands of cybercafes and the realization of the market. Ranging from the size of the site to make money online, few employing fewer sites, many sites have employed hundreds of staff. Davis believes that a full-time player of the income differences have begun to appear, for example, in Vietnam, low-income players to play on behalf of the Chinese players, and the Chinese players for the West on behalf of the players play. Davis also pointed out that to make money online because of the enormous profits of the industry, in which criminal gangs are also involved. They used the stolen credit card account for the game, under the banner of the sale of virtual goods or currency under the pretext of defrauding money from the players there. In addition, various types of chat rooms they are still much water, making money online advertising. Davis believes that it's hard to find and prosecute these criminal gangs. Finally, Davis added that the network companies have tried to limit the virtual currency and goods trade, but it was reported that there is very little substantive effect. (Zhiwei), China currently accounts for the global market size of 80%. The following is a summary of the contents: The University of Manchester, a study shows that in developing countries, about 500,000 people to the players through the sale of virtual goods to make money online games, known as the "make money online," the industry is developing rapidly. The Chinese market accounted for 80% of the industry, employed about 400,000 full-time player, the average monthly income of 145 U.S. dollars. Despite the game's great efforts to crack down on virtual goods transactions, but the industry is still in the ascendant. Large emerging industries The research report written by the University of Manchester, Professor Richard Ada (Richard Heeks) that in many developing countries, to make money online has become an important economic industry. He wrote, "I was first aware of the network is able to make money from my own playing when the game started, but I think it is a cottage-style economic model. In a sense, this Kind of judge was correct. But now it is no longer a few months piecemeal 'family workshops', but tens of thousands of dollars. " The reality is that many of the online virtual money is very scarce, so many amateur players from full-time players, including the seller to purchase the virtual currency in order for better equipment, weapons and so on. In addition, the number of full-time player also offers "on behalf of the upgrade to play" service, that is, paid for amateur players to quickly upgrade. Ada believes that to make money online games industry, the specific size of the data difficult to obtain. However, he hinted in his article, in 2008, the industry employed about 400,000 people, per capita income of 145 U.S. dollars, the global market size of about 500,000,000 U.S. dollars. Ada, but at the same time pointed out that it is difficult to assess the scale of the industry, so its size may be double that estimate. Most of the activities of the network are online and make money, save the seller sets a virtual currency, such as items for sale, buyers to purchase virtual currency, or sharing account, and all of these online companies are prohibited. If there is because the players engaged in these activities was found, his account of the game may be closed and a ban on playing it online. Ada in the report pointed out that to make money online games industry with the size of India's outsourcing industry comparable. In his article, said, "India's outsourcing industry in 2004 employed approximately 400,000 people, may now be close to 900,000 people, without taking into account the factors of profit under the conditions of these two industries in the number of employees in some aspects of a Together. ". At the same time, he thought, with the people on the network work and leisure time is getting longer and longer, known as a "virtual offshore services" (virtual offshoring) model will become more and more popular, and this is to make money online Service model as a prototype. Make money online: cash tool Steven Davis (Steven Davis) is a network security company Secure Play's Chief Executive Officer, he thought to make money online is accompanied by the network have begun, and with the network's popular and growing rapidly. He also pointed out that the online trading of virtual real solution, the actual demand. He said that "rich people do not have time to play, play time people do not have the money, so the two must find a solution." In the world of online games, virtual goods and currency transactions mainly through the network of hundreds of thousands of cybercafes and the realization of the market. Ranging from the size of the site to make money online, few employing fewer sites, many sites have employed hundreds of staff. Davis believes that a full-time player of the income differences have begun to appear, for example, in Vietnam, low-income players to play on behalf of the Chinese players, and the Chinese players for the West on behalf of the players play. Davis also pointed out that to make money online because of the enormous profits of the industry, in which criminal gangs are also involved. They used the stolen credit card account for the game, under the banner of the sale of virtual goods or currency under the pretext of defrauding money from the players there. In addition, various types of chat rooms they are still much water, making money online advertising. Davis believes that it's hard to find and prosecute these criminal gangs. Finally, Davis added that the network companies have tried to limit the virtual currency and goods trade, but it was reported that there is very little substantive effect.
power leveling is a main vitual product in this industry.

world of warcraft power leveling database

world of warcraft power leveling database
this is a new blog, it show the data of power leveling, most of the power leveling market is world of warcraft, it is also being called WOW.

Now, let's tell you what is power leveling.

all the people are rich, they have money to buy something for the cahracter of MMORPG. but if there they are not good at it, or they don't have so much time to do it, they can't get higher level or rank, they want to be stronger, they want to be more powerful, and they want it can be true very soon, so they have to pay for some guys, which is called leveler, to do it for him. so the character can be higher level and rank, there's high quality item and gear, they are more powerful, so the lazy guy can play it for more fun.

there's another word can mean power leveling, it is level up, it shows get high level fast. WOW is the king of the MMORPG, all the people know that, so 70% of the power leveling marketing is in WOW, there's power leveling only for the level, power leveling for the gear, for the Gold, for the combat, and mount and so on, so many kings of power leveling in WOW.

also there's are bots leveling and manual.

bot's leveling shows there are no people are playing the game, only computer programme playing the game, there are many kinds of bots, the famous is glider, it is the evil of Blizzard, they call it satan. they can ruin the game. other bots can play 2 or more account at the same time.

manual is that people are playing it by themselves, also guys like playing 2 account at the same tiem to earn more.

the blizzard can inquiry the character, it can be banned if it is out of the rules of blizzard. but some guys are more smart than blizzard, they always can get out of the wave of ban.

In some country, people are feed by power leveling, they play the game for 10 or 12 hours a day. they live a hard life, but it is better than being a beggar, more or less, it is a job. they are not power leveling the account, they are power leveling their life