Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wuhan Company issued power leveling business licenses

Trade and Industry: to explore the official regulation of the industry; experts: It may be, the youth Internet addiction Computer organization and personnel to fight through the game to earn virtual currency, or power leveling , tools and so on, and then sell the network to make money, this pattern of power leveling has not been officially recognized. However, the Wuhan Trade and Industry Department recently issued a Music's business license to explore Music official regulation. "Goldsmith" for the first time the company received a license Show, the network's Dailian by a young man by the name of founder Li Yang. It is understood that after the boy was 80 in Central China Agricultural University, a relatively stable work, but usually on the Internet and online games is love, in the network, to fight through Li Yang Jin (in the game to earn virtual The gold coin), Lian Ji (Bang Bieren higher-level players), on-line equipment sales, compared with considerable revenue. Recently, he resigned the purchase of more than a dozen computers on the Internet to recruit more than a dozen online games like young people to help themselves to fight Kim, Lian Ji, to win equipment, according to the proportion of money into. "He asked before a license to do this, we are not allowed to trade, can do a license. As this is a new type of industry, we are not sure, ask after a sub-business units, has been a positive response, and he handled The individual business license. "Bridge Wang Zhong, deputy director of the Trade and Industry, the last the company known as the" Hanyang district of Wuhan Li Yang Network Technology Services. " Industrial and commercial sector also worries The network should not be in the end to the nuclear industry power leveling business license, industry and commerce departments have also been doubts. In the "Hanyang district of Wuhan Li Yang Network Technology Services" to define the scope of business, industrial and commercial sector is given by the "network of consulting, technology services" rather than "beating Kim, Dailian network." According to a person engaged in Music, is currently engaged in Wuhan Music conservative estimate of the number of no fewer than 3,000 people, a minimum income of 500 yuan, the high-general will be around 2,000 yuan. Dailian engage in online staff, aged 18-25 years old in general, working hours, more than 12 hours or more. Dailian network in general or by private owners of Internet cafes, young people looking for a few day and night "to play the game." Due to the lack of industry regulation, industry self-regulation can only rely on "moral." "There are trading on the need to regulate, we issued the license to explore in the supervision of the industry, such as restrictions on working hours and so on, we are licensing the company is required." Wang said. Experts: fear, the youth Internet addiction Dailian to the network license, the China Internet addiction in the first ring - Central China Normal University Professor Professor Tao Hongkai made it clear that: a power leveling license equal to encourage children to play online games, Internet addiction, the youth, do not agree to such a company Issuance of licenses. "In a game, Tulong Dao can be sold to more than 10,000 in the city of Haikou, Hainan, it was also this virtual products on the pawn shop, which are to guide the children to play more games." TAO Hong-open that Government departments of the game and the game does not regulate the way, "on the side of the game to make money on the side" of the operation of the company, will enhance young people's Internet Addiction.