Wednesday, December 24, 2008

world of warcraft power leveling database

world of warcraft power leveling database
this is a new blog, it show the data of power leveling, most of the power leveling market is world of warcraft, it is also being called WOW.

Now, let's tell you what is power leveling.

all the people are rich, they have money to buy something for the cahracter of MMORPG. but if there they are not good at it, or they don't have so much time to do it, they can't get higher level or rank, they want to be stronger, they want to be more powerful, and they want it can be true very soon, so they have to pay for some guys, which is called leveler, to do it for him. so the character can be higher level and rank, there's high quality item and gear, they are more powerful, so the lazy guy can play it for more fun.

there's another word can mean power leveling, it is level up, it shows get high level fast. WOW is the king of the MMORPG, all the people know that, so 70% of the power leveling marketing is in WOW, there's power leveling only for the level, power leveling for the gear, for the Gold, for the combat, and mount and so on, so many kings of power leveling in WOW.

also there's are bots leveling and manual.

bot's leveling shows there are no people are playing the game, only computer programme playing the game, there are many kinds of bots, the famous is glider, it is the evil of Blizzard, they call it satan. they can ruin the game. other bots can play 2 or more account at the same time.

manual is that people are playing it by themselves, also guys like playing 2 account at the same tiem to earn more.

the blizzard can inquiry the character, it can be banned if it is out of the rules of blizzard. but some guys are more smart than blizzard, they always can get out of the wave of ban.

In some country, people are feed by power leveling, they play the game for 10 or 12 hours a day. they live a hard life, but it is better than being a beggar, more or less, it is a job. they are not power leveling the account, they are power leveling their life