Friday, January 22, 2010

How to continue the traditional culture


                                     How to continue the traditional culture


In this way, Junco Enterprise Education Foundation has been exhausted, more than 28 million Z dollars. But you know, Junco Enterprise Education Foundation, the registered capital was 200 million national currency ah Z, which funded some mighty way down, Jiang-Chuan could not stand it when the family of course, a little bit. Yam Chuan Jiang listening to complaints after a laugh, he told Jiang-chuan, but do not worry about world of warcraft power leveling. Junco Foundation next year to support poor students in business education efforts must continue to increase.

 If you happen to stumble upon other quests from the settlement that you find missing here, I'd love to have it! Pass it along and I'll see it gets added. However, Mr. Yam told Jiang Chuan should pay attention to three points; the first one is the attention to monitoring the Junco Foundation Grant funds business education is really sent to the hands of poor students. To establish a feedback mechanism to track so as to avoid wastage of Education Foundation Grant efficient use of funds. Mr. Yam said he believed the country in the Z in this society, and like him has to report back to society some people, minority entrepreneurs. The so-called many hands make light, as long as can the strength of the whole society mobilized, Junco Enterprise Education Foundation, will receive additional sources of funding to finance poor students to continue their education career. The third aspect is Yam think is very important aspect is to do a good job Junco Foundation's funds business education value-added work. Having said that, he served as an extraordinary earnestness against Jiang Chuan said: "Old Jiang, you should definitely play to your strengths skilled financial experts in investment, will Junco Education Foundation of the plates are bigger and bigger, so as to accomplish our revitalization of education cause to support the goal of poverty-stricken students ah. " This remark Jiang Chuan put a blush on the F State Prix Goncourt and the story of Nobel Prize for Literature that he was not heard on the Junco Education Foundation is no value-added he was not taken into account, but the country is currently on the Z Foundation's many investment restrictions. In aion power leveling, Jiang-Chuan even if there is a pack of ability to make the Foundation's funds cannot be quickly added ah. Jiang Chuan in and talk to an end when the thought of anything extraordinary, that is, Z Wang Director Bank of head office spare time writing book, "Talking about the horseshoe rhyme." He Jiang-chuan said: "Old Jiang, I am there a traditional couplet of this knowledge about the Z manuscripts. Couplets Z as an integral part of traditional culture, the country has been away from us, we do something now, rescue operations within its capacity bar. You then go to the Inter-Press; this book was published, and then to buy back all Junco Education Foundation, presented to primary and secondary school libraries, as kid’s amateur books.

 Perhaps in the near future, among them will appear traditional culture of the country a number of Z we do. “Jiang Chuan immediately promised to look back and go handle. So after dealing with runescape power leveling, any extraordinary state of new energy-saving materials will be M Chen Watch Factory was left alone, he has to watch carefully and Chen to talk about the M states with new energy-saving materials, plant product planning. Yam pour a cup of tea Miamian personally side for Chen watch, and then he sat on the sofa besides Chen watch smiling, asked: "Ch’in, Junco Enterprise Institute Bingo materials, materials research report you should read the bar? Talk about what you think.

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