Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How to update the blog

How to update the blog

However, days after the satellite core remnants of the energy is limited, after losing Kara sun shone, in order to maintain the race's survival, days after the satellite galaxies must secretly look for other energy sources, to maintain the system within days after the satellite operation. Natasha and Li Aiwa survived the days after the satellite is the second batch of world of warcraft power leveling. They have also inherited their ancestors harness the natural ability. But now, such a capability in the vast majority is used in space to collecting energy, towards the maintenance of racial survival. And collecting methods, including stealing all means try to steal. Towers and Li thin-watt energy-collecting local favorite is the Satin galaxies.

In preparation for Closed Beta 2 next week, they've announced another testing event... and the rewards are cold, hard cash.Well, cold, hard, item-mall cash. Which is still a nice freebie.The servers will go live for Closed Beta 2 on January 26th, 4 PM PST (7 PM for those of us running on EST), and the event will start an hour later at 5 PM PST on Realm 4. The official blog for Perfect World Entertainment will update this blog entry with a screenshot hinting at where the GM is hiding. Be the first to find him, and you win $50 worth of Zen currency. Demon star colonial galaxies 40 percent of the cargo is transported through this channel into the demon star. Here ambush looting, although very dangerous, but if the success of aion power leveling obtained by days after the satellite to maintain enough energy to more than one year's time. But this time I like a Finale Guy, as they had been ambushed by more than 130 days, even energy of the spacecraft has not. On when they consider whether or not-for-2 for several a place when the ambush. W star cargo spaceship appeared. Natasha, Li Aiwa on board an aircraft is flying a small stone. Flying stone is a kind of volume, quality, are simply a small flying tool for high sensitivity. The most special is the third in the whole universe, have the ability to control this kind of thing, only days after the satellite people. One day after the satellite each person is born when their parents have to contribute to their children has a special ability to pick a meteorite from outer space. Days after the satellite were received small gifts of their parents will, after nearly a half-time with their piece of meteorite with an energy resonance, energy exchange. Under normal circumstances, each a stone such flights will be under the training of the owner deliberately has a certain area, special abilities. Like Natasha, Li Aiwa now this piece of driving, flying the blue crystal stone, which have special abilities, is "invisible." This cache, called "You Land" flying stones can take advantage of the beautiful stars and the stars in the universe between the traction in a short time can be confusing for he donned a "physical tracer" and reflective jacket. When the two female pilots undetected close to transport cargo, when. W star who either did not find them extraordinary. 2 women FEIXING member was aboard the flight cabin of old works reveal the natural forces that attracted them. Days after the satellite were generated for the forces of nature particularly sensitive to fluctuations. So, when they realized that this unit a strong, strangely enough, when the forces of nature, the resulting first reaction are: rushed to go find out. Quickly, "You Land" flying laps around the cargo compartment.

Close observation, the ship's cargo compartment W star in runescape power leveling, EVA wall hole at the signal, has been sending out an endless stream of the universe signals. Signals indicate that the goods loaded inside the five A-level. This is the demon star that marked the highest level of precious cargo! "Ha-ha!" Two hearts rejoicing, it seems to wait for the more than 130 days is still very worthwhile. This is no energy inside the spacecraft does not matter, as long as people can lose the most precious demon Star goods, Natasha, and Li thin tiles will be very happy. "Just do it!" More resolute character, Natasha reminder hands of peers should be. Are still hesitant in the Li Aiwa finally made a final determination?


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